Wednesday, November 3, 2010

VI International rally "Golden Ring"

From July, 11 till July, 14th, 2009 will pass VI rally of classical cars "Golden Ring". This unique rally old time cars in Russia, having the higher international category and spent under home nursing RAF and FIVA. The scale action which is traditionally passing in July, gathers fans and collectors of ancient cars from every corner of the globe. The cars which have been exhausted till 1979 participate in competition, passed test by time and deserved a world recognition. The cars which have become by absolute symbols of the epoch.

The basic idea of rally "Golden Ring" is association of admirers and owners oldtimers, and also a close acquaintance with a cultural and historical heritage of Russia. Having started from Red Square, for 4 days participants of rally will pass more than 1000 km on capitals and cities of Ancient Russia: Moscow, Yaroslavl, Suzdal, Uglich, Jurev-Polish, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Kostroma, creating in each city unforgettable atmosphere of a holiday.

«Every year interest to rare cars grows in our country, and level of preparation and the relation of participants becomes more and more serious, — Boris Bazhenin, the founder of Club of Classical Cars, the organizer of rally"Golden Ring"makes comments. — it is even more pleasant to notice that the majority of participants among which many foreign collectors, will go with us any more for the first time». In rally of classical cars speed is not the defining factor. Participants compete in accuracy of passage of a distance that is fixed by means of the modern equipment with a rounding off to the 100-th fraction of a second. It is an interesting clever game, rare possibility to hear and feel the car, original "time machine". "Golden Ring" is first Russian rally of world level that since 2008 is confirmed by assignment by highest category FIVA — unique authority on the world of historical cars.« Participation in rally "Golden Ring" for me rather important event. The sated program, interesting special tracks, quality of refereeing, surprising cities, race atmosphere — to organizers is possible impossible! — tells Luchano Viaro, the triple winner of race Mille Miglia and the double champion of rally "Golden Ring". — Believe, to me is with what to compare. And I am assured that shortly participation in rally "Golden Ring" becomes not only a good form, but also kind tradition among all enthusiasts of autoclassics ».


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